All of these require registration. So please click on each item and RSVP

Bring light into your home and into the world at large.
Let us give you the main ingredients for a bright, happy, & spiritually uplifting Chanukah. Celebrate on your own, or with those living in your home. Includes candles, dreidel, & goodies.

5:30pm Thu Dec 10th – In your own home
Join Jews from around the county. Coming together at the same time to light candles in unison, play dreidel and spend quality time with each other – while never leaving our homes. Celebrating this wonderful holiday.
Music by Eli Massias, Prizes for the entire family, interactive Dreidel Game.

5pm Sunday Dec 13th in front of Village Hall
- Outdoors, with plenty of space between families
- You can just drive up and sit in your car if you want
- Music
- Chanukah Goodies
- Covid Safe
——- For Students ——-