Tibor Spitz – Holocaust Survivor

Tibor Spitz - Genealogy

Spitz, 92, born in the former Czechoslovakia, was 10 years old when the Slovak separatists joined Nazi Germany and embraced its anti-Jewish laws.

Hear Him Live at SUNY New Paltz

Tue Sep 13th 7pm LC#108

When his family was about to be deported, the family ran to the mountains, dug out an underground shelter and expected to be liberated by the advancing Red Army. However, the war continued for another seven months and his family remained in hiding, desperately trying to survive, according to Spitz.

After the WW2 Czechoslovakia became a Communist country. According to Spitz, the country was far from friendly to Jews.

Spitz became an engineer, chemist and a glassmaker. Eventually he and his wife escaped to the West and he became free to create and exhibit his painting and sculptures.

04/08/22: Greater Lafayette Holocaust Remembrance Committee

Hear Him Live at SUNY New Paltz

Tue Sep 13th 7pm LC#108

He earned his PhD in chemistry. After escaping from communist Czechoslovakia in 1968, he worked as a scientist and engineer in glass, ceramic, and hi-tech industry. He is an inventor, author of numerous patents and publications, a motivational lecturer, and an internationally published artist.

2 thoughts on “Tibor Spitz – Holocaust Survivor”

  1. Sir I had the pleasure of meeting you yesterday at the Culinarian’s Home. Thank you and your beloved wife for inspiring me! As I said when I fist entered and hugged you. I am so blessed to have met and heard your personal story and to have shared this earth with you. Be well Remain in good health and live each other! 😘❤️🙏✡️

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